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Thursday, May 7, 2015

Day 14 of the 21 Day Daily Data Challenge

Day 14 and we are talking about Climate Survey data.  I have data from three distinct sources.  These perceptions from my colleagues, students, and parents are both surprising. informative, and surprisingly connected.

Data Overload!
I did not realize how much school climate data I had until I sat down to really look it over.  I had the SAC (School Advisory Council) data completed by students, parents, and staff regarding general areas of school climate.  I had data completed by our faculty concerning the success of the implementation of our PBIS program.  I also had survey data from 3rd, 4th and 5th graders on bullying, cyberbullying, and internet usage.  There was much to analyze and review and at first glance it seemed quite overwhelming.

SAC Data
So I started with the SAC data.  Each of the 35 parent items were rated on a 5 point scale (5 being the best)  with no score  lower than a 3.57 and that on a question about the use of financial resources.  No stand out concerns here.  Next I reviewed faculty SAC data. Using the same 5 point scale, teacher's lowest scores were a 3.48 talking about consistent grading practices.  This is something that could bear watching after my review of the large number of D's and F's received by students on the last quarter's report card. The student ratings on the SAC survey were based on a 3 point scale with 3 being the highest. Our lowest score here was a 2.23 for "My family likes to come to my school." This was surprising given our active PTA and the large number of extremely well-attended family events they offer throughout the year.

The next data to be reviewed was our PBIS/BLT data.  We are a PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Support) school led by our BLT (Behavior Leadership Team).  The BLT surveyed our faculty to assess their perceptions of how well we were all doing with the implementation of our PBIS behavioral expectations, training, and  rewards systems.  The survey data shows we need to work on clearly defining our consequences for problem behaviors, providing booster training for students based on quarterly ODR data (office discipline referrals), training teachers to actively supervise in non classroom settings, and to positively reinforce student behaviors at a ratio of 5 to 1. The data also indicates a need to provide regular feedback to the staff on students with monitored behavior.  Finally, there was a need indicated for regular training opportunities for families to learn positive behavior and parenting strategies.  This survey will provide a great source of information for our BLT as we plan for next year.  For me personally, it has gotten me thinking about how I can better communicate the progress of my Behavior Support Groups to all stakeholders.

Bully/Cyber-bully/Internet Usage Data
I first started collecting the "Bully Survey" data about 8 years ago when I attended a conference about internet safety and cyber-bullying.  Since then this annual survey of 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders has grown from how safely students use the internet to how safe they feel on-line and on our school campus.

The data shows my students have a lot of "on-line freedom" and spend a crazy amount of time on-line with social networking and gaming.  This is another thing I need to consider when looking at data of students with D's and F's on their report card; how they spend their time. The data generated by this survey has informed my bully program, my digital safety lessons, and our faculty presentations about student safety.  Clearly students feel safest in the classroom and very unsafe and scared on the playground at recess.  And of course, that ties back into the need to train our teachers in active supervision as indicated on the PBIS survey.  WOW!  It is really awesome to see how this all starts fitting together. I am beginning to formulate goals that tie my survey data with student plans for grades and group monitoring.  So many ideas are swirling in my mind right now! It's really exciting!

Day 15
Tomorrow is  for presenting and discussing  goals with stakeholders.  I am planning to meet with my Principal to share my ideas for next year.  I'll let you know how it goes.

Please share your  data journey on the Exploring School Counseling Facebook page.  Or, if you would like to learn more about the 21 Day Daily Data Challenge check it out HERE.

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