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Monday, May 4, 2015

Day 11 of the 21 Day Daily Data Challenge

Day 11 of the 21 Day Daily Data Challenge and we are more than half way through!  The gathering of the data available in  my school was a fairly easy job compared to the task of disaggregating all of it.  And as we get into some in-depth disaggregation, it is important to remember why we are doing this. This is the foundation for building a data-driven, comprehensive school counseling program.  This is the way we  determine the needs of our schools, deliver specifically designed interventions to meet those needs, and show how students are different because of what School Counselors do.  What better way to show the value of School Counselors and the possibilities of what we can accomplish when some of those "un-Counselor like" duties are eliminated.

Today the focus is on discipline data.  As our BLT (Behavior Leadership Team) reviewed our behavior data from the 3rd quarter, we were pleased to see our numbers were down  from the previous quarter. Upon taking a closer look at the data we found 3 outliers.  These 3 students got 43% of the referrals for the previous quarter and will require special attention. After removing them from the mix our team felt we got a better view of overall student behavior.  The remainder of our students are looking at a single infraction. These may have occurred in a moment of weakness or impulse. My next task will be to look more closely at the referrals per grade level and numbers per offense and think if there is a brief intervention that can be helpful to those students.

Tomorrow is Day 12 and we will  be disaggregating report card data. I will be looking at the D's and F's and our "Behavior Report Card" data which looks at how students are rated on academic skills, social skills, and interpersonal skills.

If you are not familiar with the 21 Day Daily Data Challenge and would like to learn more, you can read about it HERE.  For those participating in the 21 Day Daily Data Challenge, be sure to share your data experiences below or on the Exploring School Counseling Facebook page.

Until tomorrow...

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